Please God, just sit me down and tell me where you want me to be. Tell me, show me, do whatever it takes for me to know where I should be. I know you actively pursue me, you chase after me, you tug at my heart for me to be drawn to you. Your always there, you never ever leave my side, even though many times I walk away or turn my back on you. Make me see the big picture, broaden my view so I'm not narrowly seeing only my own life, open my eyes to those in need, open my eyes to those who are hurting, open my eyes to the oppressed not only in the world, but right in my own city, open my eyes to the injustices in this nation and in the world.
Please God.
my comment to myself...let us not get hung up on big things we can/should be doing, but take note of the little everyday things we are doing...God appreciates those too. Still, don't lose sight of what God may have in store, don't run from change. 180's can be a good thing.
so after me and lyla talked i guess a few things that we thot about this is that...
1. definitly need to be asking God to show us what his plan is for our lives
2. definitly need to be doing things for God with our lives or else we are wasting our lives
1. We need to remember that God can use us wherever we are in our lives work, friendships, every day life as long as we let him and are willing to do what He has called us too
2. Some people are called to be missionaries in far countries whereas others are called to a ministry closer to home...both are equally important
3. We have many opportunities here at home that we sometimes do not realize...building relationships at work, being involved in our church, ministering to our neighbours, fellowshipping with friends, supporting our missionariess (this leads to the next point)
4. Some people are called to missionaries i believe and some are called to support...both are equally important...without the support the missionaries cannot do their job
5. This then leads into the idea of stewardship. Wherever God has chosen for us to be a light for at home...or overseas..we need to make sure that we are using our time and resources wisely. not saying that we cannot own a house or car or use money for entertainment but we need to be supporting ministry both through prayer and finances
6. We also need to remember through this that we can be used in the smallest ways and those ways are just as important as the missionary leading an entire village to Christ...the impact that we can have on one person means just as much as on many
I think this is enough random points so now I am going to try and tie this up....
Therefore, I think that no matter where we are long as if we are living our lives to the glory of God...we are fulfilling our purpose here on earth. This can be done here at home or around the world. It is possible for a person to feel like it is their purpose to do this here at home but in a year or two or 20 to all of a sudden get a calling to go "around the world". God will let a person know when that time is here and it will be quite obvious i think.
A really good friend derek devries gave me this advice one day when i was talking to him about plans i had for life and uncertainty and such.
He told me...Make plans that are in line with the guidelines that are layed out in the Bible and that do not contradict any present calling. However, always be open to revising the plans when the time comes. In this way you can still live your life...and not be at a standstill...wondering what is going on. But you are leaving your life open for God to call you in a new direction.
Bible verse was
Proverbs 16:9
The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps
I guess to sum it all up. Make plans that you believe are in line with God...but be open to changing them when further direction comes.
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