The past week-ish I've been pondering, how can we make a difference this Halloween? Probably should be something I could have earnestly prayed about in the last week, but that's another post about struggling in prayer life (bump in road).
Although, I know this topic has been on my mind for a reason, I'm glad its there. I recently read this article, liked what the author had to say and the verses he imparted (1 Corinth 13:10). It IS Another day we can glorify God, and do the Will of God. I like the idea of handing out candy (hello, kids are coming to YOU!!) and handing out something more edifying than candy, with the candy. Our church has a ton of kids programs, so I ran it past Quinn about a little card with all the kids programs, times and dates, info listed. Talking to the church about that. So, I think its something I'll continue to pray about. This is the first year as a family we'll have kids at our door, as previous apartment dwellers, we did not get kids, but now in a residential house, we have the opportunity. Also not sure how many kids will come by, haven't seen a lot of young children on our street, but the quantity is not an issue. Oh, and also this is a quality opportunity to meet more neighbors, parents often walk around with their kids, right?
What to do...
Do it!
Churches seem to be kind of crappy at getting word out. Jordan was in Awana last year, and if it wasn't for knowing Ange and Jeff I wouldn't have ever heard one whisper of this mysterious Awana. And once she got there? She loved it.
Toss in a candy bar too. :)
that was the way we met a lot of our neighbors. we took the kids trick or treating. found out there are a couple of christian people on our street.
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