Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Squirmy Worms

I watched some John Piper today, with anything I've read from Piper, I've agreed with, he is a sound man of God.

I really don't want to open a can of worms here, but I couldn't agree with him more on this topic.  I've had conversations with those who work and those who don't work.  On the work side, I get a lot of worries about Finances.  How are we going to manage on only one income???  It is a legitimate concern, I feel especially for those who live in expensive markets (Winnipeg vs. small town)

This was definitely a concern for Quinn and I when Caden was in the womb.  We were surprised with Caden, it wasn't 'our' plan, but we decided while he was still in womb, I would stay at home (not working away-from-home) for the first 5 years-ish of the child's life and then maybe work part-time depending on the needs of the kids.  Kids before job always.  We were no where near our financial goals before we wanted to start having kids.  We lived in a 1BR apartment, had too much debt (we thought), and at least I was anxious, about 'All-the- work' kids are, didn't feel ready for it.  Financially on Quinn's wage, we would have to really, really tighten our budget.  Quinn was just out of college and only worked at his sales job for 1 year, which is a short-time in a sales career.

But we felt it was right, that was what kids needed, our kids needed.  Surely our parents would help financially if we were in a serious bind (we hoped :).

We trusted and we prayed.  If God calls you to something, He Will Provide.  We might not be able to see how it will happen, but He does.  In the last 3 years we've seen it time and time again in our lives.  A house? Do you really need a house or is it a societal demand, a cultural pressure, you're looked down on if you live in an apartment with your kids?  How much money do you really need, what kind of lifestyle do you think you need? Is society ruling you or do you want God to direct your life? We were willing to take on 2 kids in an apartment, God provided us with a house and parents willing to help. Will we need the help, what does the future really hold that He put us here?? Who knows, just trusting.  Don't get me wrong, we've made our own decisions in this ride, which probably weren't what God wanted, mistakes happen, God gives Grace.

This is my response to the 'Financial' question.  Don't discount God, like my good friend said when I was hesitant for financial reasons to go on a missions trip:  "Just Go, God has lots of money" ;)

We gotta stop believing we have all the control.


Heather said...

I totally get it. I consider myself pretty grounded in my faith and yet I have a very hard time remembering that I am not in control of this life. I don't know why that's such a hard concept for me to remember. I was reminded this weekend at church that "... God knows exactly what he's doing. Be thankful for that!"

I have so much respect for those moms who give up the superficial things in life that a double income could afford to stay home and raise their kids. I went back to work full time when Keeg was 5 years old. Shelby was only 3. I still regret it. I think I fell into what I thought society deemed necessary ie. bigger house, second car etc. and I really regret that.

It's so hard to know what the right thing to do is sometimes. All you can do is pray and allow God to lead you.

Q&L said...

thanks for the comments and encouragement Heather. One of my friends 85 yr old grandmother went back to work when her last child was 4 yrs old, missing a yr she could have had at home with him and at 85 regretted it. I guess we will have regrets with certain choices we make. Your right, only God can see the big picture.