Thursday, July 23, 2009

Forced Post :)

Now the questions:

What are you wearing today?
My maternity dress, black and white hoops all over it, with a white mini cover-up (you know what I mean, just goes over your shoulders) and my black dress sandals

What's for dinner?
it’s early morning and we were out last night, so I don’t know yet.

What relaxes you most?
Sleeping :), the couch or the bed. The other night I had 10.5 hours of sleep. Quinn saw I was tired and said I should rest...7:30pm, I was out.

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would it be?
Still wanting to head to the Dominican, someone has been asking us to come for a long time.

What language do you want to learn?
I used to want to learn German and live in Switzerland. Now probably French, b/c I’m sure our child will take it in school, that would be fun to converse. Noir, Rouge, Orange, Juane, Trois, Cinq…I’m well on my way…haha

What do you love most about where you currently live?
It’s Home, home, home, home!

What style is your current home decorated in?
Quinn & Lyla style..?? A little bit modern, a little homey, good mix.

What is your favorite color?
Verte! Jokes, I don’t know

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?.
Current maternity wardrobe, probably the T-shirts and tank tops I got from Garage. No, Garage does not sell maternity clothing, but the T-shirts these days are really long, so you just buy a size larger then your norm, fits to a T.

What were you doing ten years ago?
July 1999. Just graduated, working at the restaurant in Austin

What are you going to do after this?

What are your favorite films?
ummm, don’ really have favs, I watch it once, that's usually enough for me.

What is your favorite book?
Non-biblical: right now I’m reading John Piper books, anything that increases my knowledge, I soak it up.

Do you collect anything?

What makes you follow a blog?
The drama! Jokes. Another way of keeping in touch with people, communicating, sometimes people communicating joys, fears, hurts and walking with people in those times.

What was the most enjoyable thing you did today?
Well…let me tell you, ate a delicious bowl of Vector with blueberries, the morning routine, getting ready together, (sometimes its a little rushed), but mostly I enjoy it...then my husband and I drove downtown to work, KISS!

What makes you comment on a blog??
depends on the blog…Sometimes there is nothing to say..blanks.

What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time?
Be outside

What is a talent you wished you had?.
?? don’t know

Who is your favorite actor?
I don’t have one.

Other than Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, etc. what are your most frequently visited websites?
Yahoo mail, Gmail, sometimes Globe & Mail

What was your favorite subject in school?
School was not a favorite for me. I like learning now, maybe because my learning isn’t measured by test scores.

As a child/teen how did you envision your adult life?
Working, traveling, maybe that would be all-in-one. Then someday I would get married with child(ren). Turned out little bit differently and I’m thankful my focus has changed from lifestyle to living with purpose (not that I always know what the future purpose holds)

How much time do you spend on your average blog post?
prob 20 minutes. Then I have Quinn check it out, then post.

If you could, would you want to control the weather?
I don’t know, certain days, yes. If I had controlled the weather this summer, I would have cranked up the heat to 30’s, but seeing as we have had a few hot days, I know now that might not have been good for me.

Tiffany's Question: If you could have any job/career you wanted, and money wasn't a factor, what would it be?
I would volunteer, don’t know exactly what kind or where.

Sonya's Question: What major event are you really looking forward to?
welcoming Baby B!

Candice's Question: Will Lyla actually play along with us?
Stranger things have happened…

Angela's Question: Who is your favorite singer/band?
Tough one, lately I like to jump around to Weezer, OC Supertones, and then I also like Jack Johnson. U2 and Todd Agnew sometimes, although their music makes you think, so depends what vibe I’m in.

I'm tagging: No one.

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